Spring/Summer 2024 Rendezvous!
Greenville Missouri
June 10th through 14th
COE Campground Greenville Missouri
Keep Checking back, we will update when more information is available.
Rendezvous Agenda
If every couple brings a package of individual chips or cookies, we will have enough for the week to share.
Bring your own chair and beverage.
Monday: Shirt Pick Up & Sign In
6:00 - 8:00 PM: Site 31 Meet & Greet
Tuesday: Story Telling Time
6:00 - 8:00 PM: Pavilion
Wednesday: Campground Bingo
6:00 - 8:00 PM: Pavilion
Thursday: Bill Mini Concert
6:00 - 8:00 PM: Pavilion
T-Shirts are available for pre-order.
This is on the honor system. You will reimburse us and pick up shirts when you check into camp.
Here are the steps to take.
Step 1- Pick a Color
Black or Red
Step 2 -Pick a Size
Small, Medium, Large, X-Large,XX-Large, XXX-Large, XXXX-Large
Email This Info
Subject Line: Rendezvous T-Shirts
Body of Email:
Site #
Dates Reserved
Number of shirts with size and color (Example 1 black XL and 1 red Large. 2 Shirts total)
With the above information, send to Iridetinyhouse@gmail.com or click the button below.