Meet the boss, Delilah
"My Mission is to Supervise and Explore"
I allow Bill and Deb to share my home. Currently, I am 6 years old. My birthday is April 12. I first saw Bill and Deb when I was 8 weeks old. My friend Summer rescued me and my brothers and sisters. Bill, Deb and I lived in a motor home then, that Bill and Deb had remodeled. It had lots of windows, my favorite was the big window above the dash, I loved laying there in the sun. One night we had a fire, I was scared and ran outside and climbed up a tree. Once the fire was out, Deb called and called me, but it was dark, and I could not find my way down. So, I climbed higher and higher until the branches were too little to hold my weight, then I fell…that hurt!
Then we moved to a house. I loved my house. The house had lots of windows and a big yard for me to roam. After a couple of years, we moved into our little red trailer, and started traveling.

"Not the Carrier Again!"
I do not like my carrier,but Deb says it keeps me safe.
I love the new places we travel to, always some new smells to investigate.
Now we live in a bigger grey trailer. We love it! Come with us on our adventures.

Freezing my tail off!
Moving to warmer weather to be closer to our I Ride family.